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IGM Architectural Design Office
2-18-17, Yabutanaka, Gifu-shi, Gifu
TEL. 058-274-1448
FAX. 058-274-1446

1.Building design, control
2.House commercial facilities, apartment complex, Japanese-style building
3.First class authorized architect office
■Governor of Gifu registration 8351



From a question put to our office, I place particularly many inquiries and the answer.
Or an inquiry form calls if you have any questions as well as the following contents (058-274-1448)
Ask it by FAX (058-274-1446) casually.

Q&A (common question and answer)

※When the answer to following questions clicks "+" button, I am displayed

Q5. Is the consultation free?

Yes, of course it is free.
Please feel free to contact me by an email by FAX on the telephone.
In addition, at first please reserve the one where a meeting wants to be talked about with directly by a telephone, FAX, an email.
But, about the consultation that must be accompanied by the work such as a field work or the design, please note that you want to charge the actual expenses.
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